Sunday, 31 July 2011

Chocks Away!

Today was an opportunity to see how my camera faired with action shots. My dad was flying an old WW2 Tiger Moth across the lovely Fenland countryside. Again the weather was good, a few clouds and it was lovely and bright - I'm saying this like I know these are good picture taking conditions, I have no idea really.

I think I got some good shots. I wasn't trying to be fancy, I just wanted to document the day. My camera was set to auto and I tried to use both my lenses.

First Outing: Wedding

So, my first proper outing with the new camera. Besides a few tests shots on my terrace and some at a birthday meal on Friday night this is really the first time I have taken her for a spin. Talk about in at the deep end! It’s ok though, I left her on Auto and decided I would just try to get some interesting shots rather than try to be technical.
I used my wide angled lens for the most part; the first picture I took was with the VR on the lens on manual. Rookie mistake. I didn’t even realise, I just couldn’t work out why I couldn’t get any focus. As a result I didn’t get any decent shots of the bride and groom signing the register.

After switching to auto when I finally realised I was well away. The day was nice, few clouds but sunny so good conditions. Some squinty shots from people (in particular my boyfriend) but I think I did ok. It is clear that as a point and shooter I do ok – these shots were by far not technical and that is where I need help.

Thursday, 28 July 2011

Project: 300 Buildings

I actually started this project a while ago using my point and shoot. I took 32 pictures of various buildings, most in London but some in Riga too. I made a decision when I started the project originally in May 2010 that I would only include pictures of buildings from that point onwards, however this means that I have not been able to include some iconic buildings that I have seen such as Dancing House in Prague.

I have decided that I will continue the project rather than to start again, I have taken some good shots so far (in my opinion), so in this post I will include all the pictures of buildlings that I took with my Fujifilm. Any pictures I take with my DSLR will be documented in seperate posts stating the name and number of the building. If I revisit any buildings I will retake the picture on my DSLR and replace it.

1 - Kensington Palace, London 1st May 2010

Wednesday, 27 July 2011

New Start, New Camera

Today I bought my first DSLR. I am now the very proud owner of a Nikon D3100 a 18-55mm VR lens and a 55-200mm non VR lens. I am now also £750 lighter but I am sure it will be worth every penny.

I have wanted one for such a long time and now I have one and I have no idea how to use it. It took me 10 minutes to get the lens on and a further 15 minutes to get it off again. There were also a couple of things in the box that I don't know what they are. I'm hoping that all this will become clear.

So, here marks the beginning of my journey into amateur photography. I'm going to use this blog as a progress report as well as a place to document my photographs along the way.

I want to work hard to improve my, currently non existent, technique so I am going to take part in a number of projects which will not just help with technique but will hopefully challenge and inspire me. I have listed some of these projects in the side bar.

My first challenge however, is going to be my friends wedding on Saturday. Having had the camera a few hours and not taken any pictures yet I'd say this will challenge me. Thank god I'm not the professional photographer otherwise the poor bride may find herself disappointed!

On Sunday my good old dad is having a flying lesson in a WW2 Tiger-moth biplane. This will be a good chance for me to get some distant action shots in. Fingers crossed it's not rained off!

I've got allot to learn but I'm excited about my new hobby so hopefully it won't be too painful. I'll drop back in after the weekend, hopefully with sone decent shots!

C x